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What is Vault All About? 🧐

What is Vault All About? 🧐

What exactly does this mobile app do and in what way can it help? Here are a few features that explains its use-

What exactly does this mobile app do and in what way can it help? Here are a few features that explains its use-


Create savings plans and goals that automatically debit a specific amount into the plan.

Create savings plans and goals that automatically debit a specific amount into the plan.


Track spending by making use of the budget feature to document how much is spent per month on different categories ranging from groceries down to subscriptions

Track spending by making use of the budget feature to document how much is spent per month on different categories ranging from groceries down to subscriptions


Savings Plan

Savings Plan

"I really need to be in Maldives by July! But I find it hard to save up.."🏝💸

"I really need to be in Maldives by July! But I find it hard to save up.."🏝💸

Create savings plans for specific goals and set up how much you need for your goal, how much you like to be debited per week or per day which will be based on income per month, and that is all you need to be in Maldives by July!

Create savings plans for specific goals and set up how much you need for your goal, how much you like to be debited per week or per day which will be based on income per month, and that is all you need to be in Maldives by July!


Budgeting Expenses

Budgeting Expenses

"How did I manage to finish my entire salary when its just second week?!"😪

"How did I manage to finish my entire salary when its just second week?!"😪

Set and manage expenses easier with vault. It basically tracks how much you spend in a certain category and it seems like you spent almost half your salary on shein…

Conclusion and Overview ✨

Conclusion and Overview ✨


Carried out and curated interview questions and user survey, carried out competitive analysis in order to make proper design decisions

Carried out and curated interview questions and user survey, carried out competitive analysis in order to make proper design decisions


Designed a more simplified version of a fintech app and streamlined the financial management process to reduce confusion and overwhelm

Designed a more simplified version of a fintech app and streamlined the financial management process to reduce confusion and overwhelm



Brief Overview

Whiz is a fashion AI integrated mobile application created and designed to help make outfit curation and wardrobe management easier. With Whiz, you won't be spending hours thinking of what to wear!

View Project





Brief Overview

Savings and Budgeting made easier! Vault helps users manage and monitor their finances better and achieve savings goals faster.

Read Case Study

